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Automotive SPICE Process Assessment Model V3.1
Release Time:2024-01-31 10:28Views:

In recent years, the rapid development of the automobile industry, especially new energy vehicles, trying to completely subvert the style of the traditional automobile industry, a number of companies shouted "software defined car", "software intelligent integration" and other similar slogans. It can be seen that software occupies a unique leadership position in the design of new types of cars, and is the "brain nerve" of the car, cockpit, air conditioning, Windows, keys, etc., which controls every module and every component of the vehicle.

Under such a trend, how to ensure the safety of vehicles?

Countries, alliances, organizations have issued different standards or directives to regulate the safety requirements of vehicle development under the new situation, of which the EU regulation R155/R156 is the most accepted and recognized by the vast market. As R155/R156 becomes more and more widely promoted, auto companies from Tier 1 to Tier 1 undoubtedly attach great importance to various standards and limits in the development process. How can we evaluate the accuracy, science, safety and rationality of the development process of the automotive industry?

ASPICE is thus widely used.

ASPICE is called Automotive Software Process lmprovement and Capability Etermination in English, and the Chinese name is commonly known as automotive industry Process evaluation/Reference model. It is a model framework used in the automotive industry to evaluate the level of R&D capability of software development teams. Originally developed by more than 20 major European car manufacturers, the standard was published in 2005 to guide the software development process of automotive component manufacturers to improve the quality of in-vehicle software. The current release status is as follows:


ASPICE Taking the lead in the European automotive industry to be widely used in the r & D process and the evaluation of suppliers. Moreover, with the continuous expansion of Internet of vehicles and intelligent driving technology, the proportion of software R & D investment in the entire automobile research and development has soared. As a result, the dependence of enterprises' demand on software quality management cannot be ignored. ASPICE evaluation has gradually been introduced to China, which is called the vane of the field of software evaluation in the automotive industry. Next, Zhongle Certification will share some important information about the ASPICE evaluation for enterprises:

1. Classification of the research and development process

ASPICE divides the automotive system development process into 32 processes and classifies these 32 processes into three broad categories and eight process groups. There are 16 processes that are recommended as key processes, called VDA Scopes. As shown in the picture below:


2. Classification of R & D capability

According to the meticulousness and rigor of the enterprise management, ASPICE divides the software development capability of the enterprise into six levels: 0 to 5, 0 is the lowest level, 5 is the highest level. The higher the level, on behalf of the enterprise in the process of R & D projects, the lower the possibility of emergencies, the stronger the ability to control the success of projects and products, which proves that the enterprise has sufficient quality delivery ability. The level chart is as follows:


3. Mainly assess the role definitions (role names can be changed according to the naming habits of different enterprises)


To sum up, the good use of ASPICE can undoubtedly bring great quality value to enterprises. If you have questions about how to use ASPICE, you can contact Zhongle Certification!

Zhongle certification is equipped with a number of assessment qualifications, experienced consulting teachers, the whole process, all-weather to provide consulting, training, evaluation and other teaching services. Help the automotive industry to flourish!

For more details, please contact  Zhongle Miss Zhou:+86 13417442373,Please use skype to scan.

