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The Google GMS Certification
Release Time:2023-05-06 20:36Views:

 一、 What is the Google GMS Certification?

 Google Mobile Services (GMS) authentication is a Google authentication service for Android devices designed to ensure that devices function in Google's Android ecosystem and provide the best user experience. With GMS authentication, devices can pre-install some Google apps (such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Play, etc.) and gain access to the Google Play Store and other Google services.

 GMS certification is very important for device manufacturers because only devices that have passed the GMS certification are supported by Google services and can receive the latest security and software updates. For consumers, GMS certification is also important because it means they have access to Google services and apps on their devices.

 GMS certification requires the device to meet certain hardware and software requirements and to be tested through Google's testing process. The specific requirements and testing process for GMS certification are confidential and can only be certified through Google's authorization. Therefore, if equipment manufacturers want to obtain GMS certification, they can contact Zhongle certification, which has rich certification experience in GMS certification.



二、Why do the Google GMS certification?

lImprove the compatibility and stability of the product Android system;

lAuthorize the use of Google mobile APP and services;

l Authorize the use of the Android LOGO;

l Products can enter Europe and America's hypermarkets.

三、 The benefits of doing a Google GMS certification?

Google GMS Certification: It is an important part of Google's mobile AD service. Its role is to ensure that advertisers' apps are not abused or stolen, and also to ensure that mobile users' privacy data is protected.

1. Improve the corporate brand image and reduce the garbage flow;

2. Improve user engagement and increase user brand loyalty;

3. Help enterprises to promote their own products and services overseas;

4. Increase corporate trust and loyalty to Google;

5. Improve the company's market competitiveness.

6. Make users more trust and like to use your products and services more;

7. Increase the APP's exposure on the Google Store, increase app downloads and increase er AD revenue.

8. Increase APP downloads and revenue on Google Play Store.


四、Google GMS certification test requirements and process

1. GMS certification test requirements:

lThe product must be able to pass the CTS test, the CTS test (English name Compatibility Test Suite, Compatibility test package), which is a group of tests. A collection of apk programs;

lProducts must pass the CTS Verify test;

lProducts must be able to pass the GTS test, the GTS test (English name Google Mobile Services Test Suite, GMS kit test), and an automated test kit for testing in GMS applications;

lThe product must use the Android version above 8.0 to be certified;

lThe product is obliged to pass CE, FCC, BT, WIFI and other hardware certification.(Non-rigid indicator)

2、The GMS certification process:

lApply for the Google MADA protocol;

lProducts to do hardware and software testing;

lSubmit the test report to Google for review;

lGet a Google certification authorization.


5. What else do you need to do to complete the Google certification?

After completing Google certification, you need to upgrade the version within the validity period, and patches should be maintained every quarter. AER products must be upgraded once within 18 months and twice within 5 years


 If you are interested in the GMS certification, you can contact us

For more details, please contact ZL Miss Zhou:+86 13417442373

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