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Wi-Fi alliance certification
Release Time:2023-05-08 15:10Views:

一、Wi-Fi Alliance certification introduction

Wi-Fi Alliance (full name: International Wi-Fi Alliance, English: Wi-Fi Alliance, WFA for short), is a business alliance with the trademark of Wi-Fi. It is responsible for Wi-Fi certification and trademark licensing, and is headquartered in Austin, Texas (Austin). Founded in 1999, the alliance aims to implement Wi-Fi product compatibility certification worldwide and develop the iEEE 802.11 standard wireless LAN technology; only Wi-Fi Alliance ® members can use the WiFi certification logo and other WiFi certification logo.



二、The Wi-Fi Alliance Certified Member


三、The Wi-Fi Alliance certification test process

1. Submit the certification application to the Wi-Fi Alliance, and select the corresponding ATL, and the laboratory receives the CID;

2. Contact ATL to send the equipment to be tested;

3. Laboratory testing begins;

4. The ATL provides the corresponding test results;

5. The WiFi Alliance issues a certification certificate.


四、Wi-Fi Alliance certification rules

1. New Certification

Select the product if you have not received any previous Wi-Fi certification.

2. Additional Certification

Select this option if this product is already certified and you will test new or updated product features.

3. Re-Certification

lContributors, sponsors, affiliated members, and implementers are [not allowed] members can only apply for the re-certification of their Wi-Fi certification products.

If this product has existing certification and due to firmware / software version.

lThree scenarios can be selected:

a. The hardware (which should be very small) and / or the device software (operating system or device driver) has changed and affects Wi-Fi operations;

b. The firmware has been changed, or some minor software modifications have occurred. Changes can affect the Wi-Fi operations.(Include minor updates / error fixes, excluding operating system or device driver updates);

c. Contains changes that do not affect the Wi-Fi operation. The laboratory will review and determine if the test is required.


4. Derivative Certification

1) membership

All members can apply for the derivative product certification.

2) Requirement

a. Only based on the source certification, but not the other derivative product certification;

b. The function of the derivative product shall be the same as that of the source product;

c. Members shall provide the necessary technical information for the derivative product or the source certification product to verify the qualification of the derivative product certification.

3) Module requirements

a. A Wi-Fi module, when tested and Wi-Fi certified, shall represent its modular use in the first and subsequent derivative products;

b. The source certification of Wi-Fi module is only applicable to the module itself, not to first-order derivative products;

c. Products used for testing the Wi-Fi module can be considered a derivative and certified as a primary derivative certification. Subsequent derivative products meet the requirements of derivative product certification, can be certified as derivative products.


五、Which products need to be the Wi-Fi alliance certification?

Products that need Wi-Fi alliance certification are mainly for several Wi-Fi802.11a/b/g/n working modes, usually using 2.4 GUHF or 5GSHFISM RF bands, including wireless routers, smartphones, home appliances, computers, network infrastructure and consumer electronics.


For more details, please contact ZL Miss Zhou:+86 13417442373

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