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ISO 26262 Certification
Release Time:2022-12-02 10:09Views:

The international standard ISO 26262 Functional Safety of Road Vehicles is a functional safety standard based on the characteristics of safety-related electrical and electronic systems for eight passenger vehicles with a gross weight not exceeding 3.5 tons. It is based on IEC 61508 Functional Safety of safety-related Electrical/electronic/programmable Electronic Systems. It was officially released on November 15, 2011.

ISO 26262 is the first ever Functional Safety standard for mass production products. In particular, it should be noted that ISO 26262 is only for safety-related electronic and electrical systems, including electrical, electronic and software components, and should not be applied to non-electronic and electrical systems (such as mechanical, hydraulic, etc.).

The design issue of functional safety has been paid much attention in the automotive field. Because of its relationship with personnel safety and company goodwill, Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment (HARA) and V model design architecture are used to achieve the consistent analysis results of functional safety requirement level. The life cycle of automotive electronic systems takes into account the required failure prevention technology and management requirements, and is implemented through CMMI-DEV processes such as design development, Verification and Validation. Make the functional safety of the product meet the required Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL).



For more details, please contact ZL Miss Zhou:+86 13417442373 

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