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Wercs Registration
Release Time:2022-12-02 10:46Views:

Wercs Registration

Wercs Register is a product evaluation system. Wercs itself is a database company. Now Wal-Mart, Tesco and other giant supermarkets have been cooperating with WERCS, aiming at requiring upstream suppliers to input their product information into the system for evaluation, so that the downstream can timely grasp the harm information.

Importance of Wercs registration

To better understand the ingredients in the hands of consumers, retailers collect detailed Chemical information using the CARP(Chemical Assessment Review Process) chemical assessment process. In this way, the supplier can master the specific SDS safety data sheet and other information for timely delivery to the relevant agencies and consumers. At the same time, under the premise of complying with federal, state and regional laws, further effective environmental protection.

Wercs registered products for third party formula, crafts, automotive related products, batteries, cleaning supplies, electronic appliances, health and beauty products, home decoration, sets, lawn and garden tools, miscellaneous, nutrition, pet supplies, medicine, photography equipment, sports equipment, stationery, toys.

Information required for Wercs registration

1) Product color photos;

2) Application form;

3) Component analysis table;

4) Report UN38.3;

5) SDS Report in English/French;

Wercs registered products for third party formula, crafts, automotive related products, batteries, cleaning supplies, electronic appliances, health and beauty products, home decoration, sets, lawn and garden tools, miscellaneous, nutrition, pet supplies, medicine, photography equipment, sports equipment, stationery, toys.

Wercs registration cycle process


7-10 working days;


1) Apply for membership;

2) Register and subscribe: subscribe in advance to register several products;

3) Pay the subscription fee: The subscription fee depends on the product and quantity. The fee is shown in the figure.

Wercs Registration(图1)

4) Submit for registration;

5) Confirm and review the cost;

6) After registration, you can find the ID on the official website.

For more details, please contact ZL Miss Zhou:+86 13417442373 

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