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Design and fabrication of the test bench
Release Time:2024-04-25 10:34Views:

Technology changes life, and lazy people push technology. When people perform the vehicle test, a lot of inconvenience, then how to improve the test efficiency, improve the personnel test environment, the designers of each car ecology for the effort. Take Android Auto as an example, from the vehicle delivery to the United States in 2013 to now all the tests can be completed in the mainland, which is enough to show progress. Test bench (Test Bench) is just in this process, emerged.

The main business of Zhongle certification is the test of  Android Auto and other intelligent driving functions. Then, how to design and produce a test bench that absolutely meets the requirements of the use case in the test process, so as to shorten the test time and restore to the vehicle test scene to the highest extent, has become the top priority. Zhongle combines the experience of many cases, and after repeated comparison and optimization, the design, production, debugging and testing environment construction of the test bench have absolute advantages in the product category of the vehicle central control category. Delivery means perfection, and choosing our test bench means an increased test pass rate.


1. purpose

At present, it is mainly used in the interconnection scenarios of simulating vehicle central control and intelligent cockpit products to replace vehicle test (In-Vehicle Infotainment), such as Android Auto, CarLink, Hicar, GAS and other technologies.

2.  functional module

The main function of the test bench is to simulate the actual vehicle environment and conduct a comprehensive test and evaluation of the on-board system. Main tests include, but are not limited to:

lHardware and software compatibility test: ensure the compatibility of the vehicle system with various hardware equipment and software applications.

lFunction test: Verify that all functions of the vehicle system are designed according to the standards of relevant mobile phone interconnection technology.

lPerformance test: test the mobile phone interconnection matching rate, matching time limit, etc.

lCommissioning and regression testing: During the development of the vehicle system, the vehicle chassis can be used to debug new functions and repair known problems. And regression testing was performed on the bench.

3. Different stages of use

lResearch and development stage: in the research and development stage can be used in design verification and simulation, improve the research and development time.

lCertification stage: in the certification process, replace the vehicle test scenario, and reduce the test cycle.

lMass production stage: exhibition and other scenes, can be used for function display, easy to carry.

4. Test bench design and manufacture requirements

Software configuration: the enterprise provides the implementation function software of each module.

Hardware requirements: the enterprise provides the surrounding original accessories, such as host, screen, power supply, microphone, speaker, etc., if not, le customized according to the specifications.

5. production cycle

Usually, a complete test bench can be made in 2 weeks, and the function can be adjusted and confirmed in 1 week. Note: If the function realization of the product needs to be passed by special software definition or protocol box, the cycle will be discussed separately.

6. Cost of production

The cost of an ordinary single-screen test stand is usually around 8,000 yuan, and the specific cost needs to be finally confirmed according to the functional needs of the enterprise.

Note: The test bench production service provided by Zhongle, including functional debugging and environment construction.

The test bench designed by Zhongle: simple in appearance, intuitive in function and convenient in operation. With friendly design, even unprofessional testers can easily. At the same time, we also provide comprehensive technical support and training services, to ensure that enterprises can make full use of the function of the test bench, in order to better achieve the purpose of use.

Please contact zhongle certification for more details!!


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